Jumat, 30 Juni 2023

Lump In Stomach Near Rib Cage

Lump In Stomach Near Rib Cage

An abdominal mass is a lump in your abdomen or tummy. The abdominal mass may cause a visible swelling and also change the shape of your abdomen. The lump in your tummy is actually an abnormal tissue collection within the abdominal cavity. There are many important organs in your abdomen such as stomach, liver, kidneys and bladder, spleen, pancreas, intestines, uterus and ovaries in women and big blood vessels such as the aorta. The exact location of the mass, firmness and texture will help determine which organ is affected. The abdominal lump mass can be either benign or malignant.

A lump that can be seen or felt over the surface of the abdominal wall may be originating from the skin or from the fat or muscle beneath the skin and maybe a cyst, lipoma or a neuro-fibroma or tumor of the muscle. It may also be a hernia that originates from within the abdominal cavity and pops out due to weak abdominal musculature.


Lumps that originate from within the abdominal cavity do not appear on the skin surface unless they are large and because they are large they may distort the abdominal wall appearance.

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Some large malignant tumors especially those that originate from fatty, fibrous or muscle tissues may take the whole of the abdomen while some tumors are restricted to one quadrant of the abdomen. The location of lump helps the doctor to understand which organs are possibly affected.

Right upper quadrant: Usually lumps from liver (cancer, portal hypertension, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, myeloproliferative disease, leukemia), gallbladder (polyps, cancer, choledocholithiasis), kidney (calculus, hydronephrosis or intestine (Crohn’s disease) may appear in this region.

Left upper quadrant: Enlargement or tumor of the spleen, stomach (cancer), colon (colorectal cancer) or kidney (calculus, hydronephrosis) can cause a mass in this region.

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Left lower quadrant: tumors of the ovary (cyst, cancer), colon (diverticulitis, colorectal cancer), Burkitt’s lymphoma (a rare tumor of the immune cells affecting the mesentery and ileo caecal valve).

Adheres to strict ethical publishing standards to provide accurate, relevant, and current health content. We source our material from reputable places such as peer-reviewed journals, academic institutions, research bodies, medical associations, and occasionally, non-profit organizations. We welcome and value audience feedback as a part of our commitment to health literacy and informed decision-making. The American Cancer Society- Stomach Cancer Risk Factors - (https://www.cancer.org/cancer/stomach-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/risk-factors.html) MedlinePlus-Medical Encyclopedia: Abdominal mass - (https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003274.htm) National institute for health and care excellence- Suspected cancer: recognition and referral - (https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng12/ifp/chapter/Symptoms-of-cancer-in-children-and-young-people) Abdominal Masses in Children: Neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, and Other Considerations- Armand E. Brodeur, Garrett M. Brodeur - (http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/12/7/196) American cancer society- Signs and Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors - (https://www.cancer.org/cancer/gastrointestinal-stromal-tumor/detection-diagnosis-staging/signs-symptoms.html)

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Abdominal pain occurs due to multiple causes. Pain due to obstruction in the small intestine appears around or above the umbilicus or belly button. Type of abdominal pain may vary from mild to severe.

Hepatomegaly or an enlarged liver can be a symptom or a complication of many different diseases which arise within or outside the liver and the most common is alcohol liver disease.

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Your abdominal cavity contains your intestines and other structures. These are protected by your abdominal wall, which is made up of four layers.

In an epigastric hernia, fat pushes out through a weakness in the wall of your abdomen between your belly button and sternum and forms a lump. The most common symptom is pain caused by the fat being pinched by your abdominal wall.

The hernia can be left alone but pain caused by the hernia will usually continue and complications can happen. It will not get better without surgery.

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The operation usually takes about 30 minutes. Your surgeon will make a cut over the hernia and free up the ‘hernial sac’.

If only fat is pushing through, your surgeon will either remove the fat or push it back. If contents of your abdomen are also pushing through, they will place the contents back inside your abdomen.


Regular exercise should help to prepare you for the operation, help you to recover and improve your long-term health. Do not do exercises that involve heavy lifting or make your hernia painful. Before you start exercising, ask the healthcare team or your GP for advice.

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If you have not had the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, you may be at an increased risk of serious illness related to COVID-19 while you recover. Speak to your doctor or healthcare team if you would like to have the vaccine.

You should be able to return to work after 1 to 2 weeks, depending on how much surgery you need and your type of work.

Regular exercise should help you to return to normal activities as soon as possible. Before you start exercising, ask the healthcare team or your GP for advice.

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Most people make a full recovery and can return to normal activities. The hernia can come back many years later and you may need another operation.


An epigastric hernia is a common condition caused by a weakness in your abdominal wall between your belly button and sternum. If left untreated, an epigastric hernia can cause serious complications.

The operation and treatment information on this page is published under license by Australia from EIDO Healthcare Australia and is protected by copyright laws. Other than for your personal, non-commercial use, you may not copy, print out, download or otherwise reproduce any of the information. The information should not replace advice that your relevant health professional would give you. Medical Illustration Copyright © Medical-Artist.com.

Groin Lump Information

Hernia - Inguinal | Sydney Children's Hospitals Network What is an inguinal hernia? An inguinal hernia is the bulging of a portion of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening in the abdominal wall Read more on Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website Hernia A hernia is the protrusion of organs, such as intestines, through a weakened section of the abdominal wall. Read more on Queensland Health website What is a Hiatus Hernia? - MyDr.com.au Dr. Norman Swans discussed what causes hernia, what it is and how hernia happens. Read more on myDr website Hernia - Umbilical | Sydney Children's Hospitals Network What is an umbilical hernia? An Umbilical hernia is an abnormal bulge that can be seen or felt at the umbilicus (belly button) Read more on Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website Inguinal Hernia - Symptoms and Causes - MyDr.com.au In this video Dr. Norman Swan discusses Inguinal Hernia and its causes and treatments. Read more on myDr website Congenital diaphragmatic hernia - MyDr.com.au A congenital diaphragmatic hernia is a birth defect where there is an abnormal hole in the diaphragm, which allows some of the abdominal organs to protrude into the chest. Read more on myDr website Inguinal hernia fact sheet | Children’s Health Queensland Children's health information fact sheet about inguinal hernia. Read more on Queensland Health website Hiatus hernia: symptoms, causes, self-care and treatment Most hiatus hernias don't cause any symptoms. When symptoms do occur, the most common are heartburn and regurgitation of stomach acid into the mouth. Read more on myDr website Hernias - Better Health Channel Both reducible and non-reducible hernias need to be surgically repaired - this is a common operation. Read more on Better Health Channel website Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) - Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons Abdominoplasty, sometimes known as a 'tummy tuck', is designed to help improve the shape and tone of the abdominal region. Read more on Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons website

Late versus early surgical correction for congenital diaphragmatic hernia in newborn infants | Cochrane Authors' conclusions:  There is no clear evidence which favors delayed (when stabilized) as compared with immediate (within 24 hours of birth) timing of surgical repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, but a substantial advantage to either one cannot be ruled out Read more on Cochrane (Australasian Centre) website Stoma Care in the Home | Ausmed A stoma is a surgically made hole in the abdomen that allows body waste to be removed from the body directly through the end of the bowel into a collection bag. When caring for a client who is living with a stoma, you may need to help them empty and change the stoma appliance and identify red flags. Read more on Ausmed Education website Managing Dyspepsia (Indigestion) in Older Adults | Ausmed Dyspepsia (indigestion) is a common symptom characterised by discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen. It typically occurs after eating or drinking. Symptoms may include early satiation, uncomfortable fullness, bloating, nausea, vomiting, belching, flatulence, heartburn, regurgitation and diarrhoea. Read more on Ausmed Education website Understanding and Managing Diarrhoea in Adults | Ausmed Diarrhoea is when more than three loose, watery stools are passed within one day. The

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